- DB stands for Database, a repository for the information
- The data in a database is organized into tables,
and each table is organized into rows and columns.
- Each row in a table is called a record. A record
may contains several pieces (called fields) of information,
and each column in a table is known as a field.
-MS stands for Management System, the software that allows
you to insert, retrieve, modify, or delete records.
-R stands for Relational, indicates a particular kind
of DBMS that is good at relating information stored in one
table to information stored in another table by looking
for elements common to each of them. Relational DBMS has
the advantage of efficient storage, and retrieval mechanisms
for data, and uses normalization process during design of
RDBMS. Database normalization process is beyond the scope
of this article, and several references are available.
MySQL operates using client/server architecture in which
the server runs on the machine containing the databases
and clients connect to the server over a network. The server
operating systems is usually a Linux (like Redhat 9.0 etc.)
or Windows 2000 operating system. Typically mySQL is supported
on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Red Hat Fedora Linux,
and Debian Linux, and others. As with any other client/server
application, MySQL is a multi-user database system, meaning
several users can access the database simultaneously. Here:
-The server (MySQL server) listens for client requests coming
in over the network and accesses database contents according
to those requests and provides that to the clients.
- Clients are programs that connect to the database server
and issue queries in a pre-specified format. MySQL is compatible
with the standards based SQL (SQL stands for Structured Query
Language) language. The client program may contact the server
programmatically (meaning a program call the server during execution)
or manually. For example, when you are issuing commands over
a telnet session to a MySQL server, you are issuing the requests
to the server by typing commands at your command prompt manually.
On the other hand, if you have input some data (say your credit
card information on the Internet towards purchase of some goods)
in a form, and the form is processed by using a server side
program, then the MySQL server is contacted programmatically.
This is often the case in credit card approvals, member subscriptions
a. Features of MySQL
1. Speed:Ofcourse, the speed at which a server side
program runs depends primarily on the server hardware. Given
that the server hardware is optimal, MySQL runs very fast. It
supports clustered servers for demanding applications.
2. Ease of use:MySQL is a high-performance, relatively
simple database system. From the beginning, MySQL has typically
been configured, monitored, and managed from the command line.
However, several MySQL graphical interfaces are available as
described below:
- MySQL Administrator: This tool makes it possible for
administrators to set up, evaluate, and tune their MySQL
database server. This is intended as a replacement for mysqladmin.
- MySQL Query Browser: Provides database developers and
operators with a graphical database operation interface.
It is especially useful for seeing multiple query plans
and result sets in a single user interface.
- Configuration Wizard: Administrators can choose from
a predefined list of optimal settings, or create their own.
- MySQL System Tray: Provides Windows-based administrators
a single view of their MySQL instance, including the ability
to start and stop their database servers.
3. Cost:MySQL is available free of cost. MySQL
is a "Open Source" database. MySQL is part of LAMP
(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP / Perl / Python) environemtn, a fast
growing open source enterprise software stack. More and more
companies are using LAMP as an alternative to expensive proprietary
software stacks because of its lower cost, reliability, and
4.Query Language Support:MySQL understands standards
based SQL (Structured Query Language).
5.Capability :Many clients can connect to the server
at the same time. Clients can use multiple database simultaneously.
You can access MySQL using several interfaces such as
command-line clients, Web browsers.
6.Connectivity and security: MySQL is fully networked,
and database can be accessed from anywhere on the Internet,
so you can share your data with anyone, anywhere. The
connectivity could be achieved with Windows programs by using
ODBC drivers. By using the ODBC connector to MySQL, any ODBC-aware
client application (for example, Microsoft Office, report writers,
Visual Basic) can connect to MySQL.
7.Portability: MySQL runs on many varieties of UNIX,
as well as on other non-UNIX systems, such as Windows and OS/2.
MySQL runs on hardware from home PCs to high-end server. MySQL
can be installed on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Red Hat
Fedora Linux, Debian Linux, and others.
b. MySQL Tools
1. A SQL server: This is an engine which provides access
to your databases.
2. Client programs for accessing the server: A program allows
you to enter queries directly and view results.
3. A client library for writing your own programs: You can
write your own programs into the client library using C.
Recommended Hardware Requirements For Mysql Installation
- Pentium V processor
- 128 MB RAM
Note that MySQL can be installed on a platform with as little
as 32 MB. However, for better performance it is recommended
to have at least 128MB memory.
You can freely download MySQL from the website https://www.mysql.com
If setting up a MySQL is something you do not want to take
on, consider checking out Web Hosting Choice to find a suitable
server provider. In this case, the hosting provider sets up
MySQL server and MySQLAdmin.