Computer Based Test Software
2. Important Features
Important features of Computer Based Exam Software:
1. Automation of planning and schedule, create exams, invite test candidates, authorize and proctor exams.
2. Configurable assessments parameters like pass score, exam time, no. Of questions, topics, and questions weightage.
3. Question bank creation using multiple authors from demographically different locations and synchronization
4. Configuration of question types with different difficulty levels
5. Customization of test-taking options
6. Support for various kinds of question types including MCQs, Drag – n- drop, hot spot type questions.
7. Configurable roles and permissions – Different roles as administrator and candidate should be made available.
8. Server side notification of exam schedules – This is made possible by calandar integration with the exam software, wherein candidates are informed about test schedules and updates.
9. Proctoring – By supporting remote proctoring, it is possible to monitor the examinee remotely using video and audio communication.
10.Transcripts Generation