Network Simulator 2 (NS2) : Monitoring & Examples For NS2
II. Monitoring
Queue monitoring refers to the capability of tracking the dynamics of packets at a queue (or other object). A queue monitor tracks packet arrival/departure/drop statistics, and may optionally compute averages of these values. Monitoring was useful tools to find detail information about queue.
Flow monitor trace format is given below:
III. NAM trace files which are used by NAM for visualization of ns simulations. The NAM trace file should contain topology information like nodes, links, queues, node connectivity etc as well as packet trace information. A NAM trace file has a basic format to it. Each line is a NAM event. The first character on the line defines the type of event and is followed by several flags to set options on that event. There are 2 sections in that file, static initial configuration events and animation events. All events with -t * in them are configuration events and should be at the beginning of the file.
Example of NAM file is: