6.0 Automation and Programmability
6.7 Interpret JSON encoded data
What is JASON?
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate. It is used for exchanging data between a server and a web application, and it is widely used in web development for transmitting data from a server to a client in a format that can be easily understood and processed.
JSON uses a simple text-based format that consists of key-value pairs and arrays, making it easy to encode and decode complex data structures. It is based on the JavaScript programming language, but it can be used with many different programming languages and platforms.
JSON has gained widespread popularity due to its simplicity and ease of use, and it is now one of the most commonly used formats for transmitting data in modern web development. It is used in many APIs and web services, and it is often used as an alternative to XML for transmitting data over the web.
Interpret JSON encoded data with an example
JSON encoded data is a text-based format that uses key-value pairs to represent data. Here's an example of JSON encoded data that represents a person:
jsonCopy code { "name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "address": { "street": "123 Main St", "city": "Anytown", "state": "CA" }, "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "home", "number": "555-555-1234" }, { "type": "work", "number": "555-555-5678" } ] }