4.0 CCNA - IP Services
IP services refer to various networking technologies and protocols that are used to provide IP-based services over a network. These services include, but are not limited to, NTP, DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), DNS (Domain Name System), NAT (Network Address Translation), and others. The goal of IP services is to provide reliable and efficient communication between devices over an IP network.
4.1 Configure and verify inside source NAT using static and pools
4.2 Configure and verify NTP operating in a client and server mode
4.1 Configure and verify inside source NAT using static and pools
NTP (Network Time Protocol) is a networking protocol that is used to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network. NTP works by using a hierarchical structure of time sources, with the most accurate time sources at the top of the hierarchy, and less accurate sources at the lower levels. The goal of NTP is to provide a highly accurate and reliable time source to clients on the network, and to help ensure that all systems have consistent time settings.