Routing Policies and Firewall Filters
10. JUNOS, Filter match criteria and actions with examples
In Junos, firewall filters use match criteria and actions to control network traffic. The following are some examples of match criteria and actions that can be used in Junos firewall filters:
Match Criteria:
1. Protocol: Matches traffic based on the protocol type (e.g. TCP, UDP, ICMP). Example: protocol tcp;
2. Source Address: Matches traffic based on the source IP address or network. Example: source-address;
3. Destination Address: Matches traffic based on the destination IP address or network. Example: destination-address;
4. Source Port: Matches traffic based on the source port number. Example: source-port 22;
5. Destination Port: Matches traffic based on the destination port number. Example: destination-port 80;
1. Accept: Allows the traffic to pass through the network. Example: then { accept; }
2. Reject: Blocks the traffic and sends a notification to the source indicating the traffic was blocked. Example: then { reject; }
3. Count: Counts the number of packets that match the criteria. Example: then { count example-counter; }
4. Log: Generates a log message for traffic that matches the criteria. Example: then { log; }
5. Discard: Discards the traffic and does not send a notification to the source. Example: then { discard; }