ITF+ Certification Cram Notes
4.0 Software Development Concepts
4.3 Explain the purpose and use of programming concepts
Programming concepts are fundamental building blocks used in writing software programs. Some of these concepts include identifiers, containers, functions, and objects.
Identifiers are used to name variables or constants in a program. Variables are used to store data values that can be modified, while constants are used to store values that cannot be changed during program execution.
Containers are data structures used to store multiple values of the same or different data types. Arrays are one type of container that can hold multiple values of the same data type, while vectors are containers that can hold values of different data types.
Functions are used to group code statements together to perform a specific task. They can be called multiple times from different parts of the program.
Objects are used to represent real-world entities in a program. They consist of properties and attributes that describe the object and its behavior.
Properties are characteristics of an object, while attributes are features that define an object's behavior or capabilities.
For example, if we are building a program to manage a library, we could use identifiers to name variables and constants such as book titles, authors, and ISBN numbers. We could use arrays or vectors to store information about each book, such as its availability status, location, and date checked out. We could use functions to perform tasks such as searching for a book or adding a new book to the collection. Finally, we could use objects to represent entities such as books, patrons, and library staff, with properties such as title, author, and publication date, and attributes such as lending period and borrowing limits.