Example Two Drag And Drop Controls Using Vb.Net
3. Another Example for drag and drop type operation- Example2
3.1. Explains how example2 is different from example1
This example explains how drag & drop is performed for different type of formats.
Dragging operation i.e. dragging the control from source to destination is same as what is explained in Example1 that means same event procedures are used to perform Drag & Drop operation.
In Example1 simple images are simple images are dragged from one place to another
i.e. dragged from source & dropped on to appropriate places (target).
But in this example array of controls created dynamically at runtime based on the number of options. Answer options controls are also created dynamically (minimum 8 option) and then dragged to a appropriate place.
To grab the more information about this download the appropriate zip file.
Screen shots for example2 is given below