Troubleshooting Common Router & Switch Problems & Network Media Topologies
2.5 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common router and switch problems.
Bad Cables/ improper cables: For a network to work efficiently proper cable should be used. Use of improper cable can cause connection issues and low performance.
Port configuration: Port configurations should be done according to design of network , topology being used and main use of the port. Some port configuration include opening and shutting the port, setting duplex, encryption type, protocols etc..
VLAN assignment: It can be used to create virtual networks. This assignment should be done properly to include clients in specific subnet. If assignment is not done correctly it can lead to in efficiency, connectivity issues and some time security issues too.
Mismatched MTU/MTU black hole: Maximum Transmission Unit is Maximum Transmission Unit it is largest size packet that will be expected by a network. It interfaces used to connect devices are not with same MTU then packet drop can occur and client will not be able to receive data properly.
Power failure: power failure can can stop routers and switches to stop working and can effect working of the network so UPS should be used to provide continuous power.
Bad/missing routes: If some information in routing tables is incorrect or is missing it can effect routers ability to make proper decision. If a routing protocol is properly configured it will automatically provide all routing information.
Duplicate IP address: Because of some misconfiguration duplicate address can be placed in the network. This issue can be detected by operating system can will be reported easily.